The CWL Prayer
Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle in them the fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the earth.
O God who teaches the hearts of the faithful by
the light of Your Holy Spirit, grant that in the
same Spirit we may always be truly wise
and ever rejoice in His consolation.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Direct we beseech You, O Lord, our actions by
Your Holy Inspiration and carry them on by Your
gracious assistance, that every prayer and work of
of ours may always begin from You
and by You be happily ended.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Mary, Mother of the Church - Pray for us
St Joseph - Pray for us
St Margaret Clitherow - Pray for us
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Grateful for the Giver
Lord, as I participate in the all-too-consuming activities that require my
attention today, I pray that I would not lose sight of You.
Give me this day a heart of gratitude.
Give me a heart of gratitude which looks beyond my appreciation
for things, for comfort, for peace, for prosperity.
Give me a heart of gratitude which is ever and always
thankful for the Giver
thankful for the One who has provided
thankful for the One who, unlike His gifts, will never fade away.
Give me a heart of gratitude which refuses
to surrender to frivolous complaint,
to seek more than you have given,
to succumb to the annoyances and frustrations of this world.
Give me a heart of gratitude which is so filled with thanksgiving that
worry and concern have no room.
Give me a heart of gratitude which remembers you as the present Giver
who is my refuge and my portion.
Give me a heart of gratitude which cries out thanksgiving and praise even
in the midst of anguish, pain, and frustration.
Give me a heart of gratitude which is capable of love, hope, and peace
despite the tensions, hurts, and foolishness of this world.
Give me a heart of gratitude which is ever and always Yours. Amen.
Christine Paterson - Wellington Archdiocesan CWL Chaplain
Novena Prayer to
St Margaret Clitherow
Dear Lord Jesus, give us the courage and grace not only to live holy lives, but to be willing to die holy deaths as St. Margaret of Clitherow did. We thank you, dear Lord, for the examples of your holy saints. May we follow in their footsteps.
In Your holy name we pray.
Tawa Branch Prayer
Lord of Life, bless and be with all members of the Catholic Women’s League.
Guide us as we use and develop the talents you have given us,
so that with a strong and positive outlook,
we may continue the work of our foundress, Margaret Fletcher.
Help us to be guided by her example,
so we may be committed to our work for others,
caring in our acts of charity and loyal to our fellow members,
to the Church and its teachings.
Help us to go forward in prayer and thanksgiving, always seeking
to see Your presence in everyone we meet.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen