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St Margaret Clitherow

Dear Lord Jesus, give us the courage and grace not only to live holy lives, but to be willing to die holy deaths as St. Margaret of Clitherow did...

St Margaret Clitherow

In 1547, Henry VIII's death left a divided England and a sickly heir, leading to the severance of Catholic ties and a tumultuous period. Margaret Clitherow grew up in the Elizabethan era, marked by religious shifts and harsh penalties.


Born into a Protestant family in York, Margaret witnessed the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth. Married at 18 to John Clitherow, a Protestant butcher, she later explored Catholicism. Impressed by Catholics' steadfastness under new laws, Margaret's encounter with a recusant priest marked her conversion.


Living in a turbulent time, Margaret defied authorities by sheltering priests and organising Mass at her home. With escalating risks, she secured a secret room for services and educated her children covertly. In 1586, John Clitherow's questioning led to Margaret's arrest, and she faced a crushing penalty for her faith. Refusing to plead guilty, Margaret endured ten days in prison, remaining steadfast in her faith. Her refusal to capitulate led to a gruesome execution on March 25, 1586. Margaret's legacy endures, with her children making significant contributions to the Catholic Church.


Canonised in 1970 as one of the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales, Margaret Clitherow is celebrated on March 26th and remembered with fellow martyrs on August 30th. In 2008, a commemorative plaque on Ouse Bridge in York honored the place of her sacrifice, a testament to her enduring courage.

Novena Prayer to
St Margaret Clitherow

Dear Lord Jesus, give us the courage and grace not only to live holy lives, but to be willing to die holy deaths as St. Margaret of Clitherow did. We thank you, dear Lord, for the examples of your holy saints. May we follow in their footsteps.

In Your holy name we pray.



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